Thy Kingdom Come
You have probably said that phrase countless times when reciting the Lord's Prayer, and there is more in it than we could ever hope to uncover--in one sermon or a thousand. I mean, think about it: God's kingdom--where evil is defeated, brokenness is healed, all the sad things come untrue, and the world is as it should always have been--isn't just a pipe dream; it's a reality. Jesus came to bring that kingdom--that was his mission. But like every other mission, there was a beginning, and this Sunday, we'll be talking about the very earliest stages of Jesus' public ministry: his temptation, his initial preaching, and the call of the first disciples. The more you look at the life of Jesus, the more amazed you find yourself; everything he did was calculated to show off the goodness of God and the love he has for folks like you and me.Also, please remember that this is Teacher Appreciation Sunday, and we will take a moment to honor our teachers during worship. Please consider a card or small gift for the Sunday School teachers who have impacted your family for the gospel!Grace & Peace,Brian