When All the Sad Things Come Untrue
I don't know about you, but there are some things in my life with which I simply have a hard time trusting God. I seem to have no problem trusting him with my the state of my eternal soul. I can look at the cross and it screams to me, "Jim, you are a true--though not very good--son of the Father." I can rest in that truth, and as I do, it is like medicine for my soul.However, there are other areas of my life in which I just don't trust God. For instance, I have a difficult time trusting God with my kids. The least little thing can send me into anxiety and worry. Or, when the giving in the church budget is behind, I tend to fret. Sick, I know, but I'll bet if you are honest, you are as bad as I am. The point is this: why do we find it easy to trust God with our salvation (the really big thing) and find it hard to trust him with the smaller things?I know there are lots of answers to that question; in fact, I talk to people about them every day . Interestingly enough, the Bible records events involving two people--one rich, one poor--who get hit with a two-by-four about trusting Jesus. If you have trust issues, you really need to be here this Sunday.Another reason to come and join the celebration this Sunday is that we are honoring our Seniors. It is hard to believe that there are people graduating from high school who, just a few short years ago, were in our nursery here at St. Patrick! Wow, how time flies! Blessings,Jim