The Truth will set you free (even when it hurts)!
Christians have always believed there is an “ought-ness” about the world. Not only in the physical world but in the moral and spiritual world. Thus, Scripture likened the life of faith to a path. We actually know what it means to be human. Most of our angst is not that we don’t know the ‘path’ but we don’t want to walk on the path. The heart wants what the heart wants, and often that is in contradiction to the ancient paths laid out in Scripture.
Let’s face it, we face this struggle every day. We are always going off the path. The path has not been found wanting, but it has been found hard. So, what do you do when you stray from the path? If indeed to stay on the path is the way of freedom, joy, and being more human, then to do our own thing and ignore clear directives of Scripture is the way of alienation, destruction, and ultimately death. How do we find our way back?
In our text this week, we find Jesus doing what a good shepherd does—find lost sheep. Peter is lost. The one who with much bravado declared Jesus to be “Christ, the son of the Living God” is living in the house of shame, having denied him three times. Is there any hope for Peter? Is there any hope for people like you and me who deny Jesus in word and deed daily? If so, where do we find it? How do we find the path? Jesus.
This Sunday we will talk about our guilt and shame. Jesus has found his disciples drowning in grief, fear, uncertainty, and now—guilt and shame. There is so much hope here for folk like us. I hope to share it with you Sunday.