What Next?

Waiting. It is so hard. It seems like that is all I have been doing the last couple of months. After going to the emergency room for a blood clot, I have seen a hoard of doctors for all manner of things, all in the attempt to figure out why this happened. I go to one doctor and they send me to another doctor. In the next couple of weeks I hope this all comes to an end with answers. Maybe I get them or maybe it remains a mystery. I am not a doctor and like my dad, was not expecting any kind of health issues till I was in my eighties!So, we come to the passage in John where the disciples have seen Jesus alive, but then he just disappears. What next? They had to be asking themselves that question. In the absence of concrete knowledge of what is next Peter says, “I’m going fishing.” Not what you might expect from the guy who is slated to be the leader of the church! And yet, that is where Jesus meets him and his friends. That is where so many good things happen. That is where a blown fishing trip turns to the stuff of myth and legend. That is where an incredible feast happens. That is where reconciliation happens.What do you do when God doesn’t give you a clear path ahead? What do you do when there is no chapter and verse to tell you what to do next? That or something like that is what we will talk about Sunday.Blessings,Jim