How do you sum up five months of preaching through the book of John? What profound parting shot do you deliver? What zinger can sum up the writer John’s poetic take on the life of Jesus? Well, leave it to Peter to ask the question that provides Jesus the platform for the parting words, “Follow Me.” Peter, having been informed by Jesus that he too will die for his faith, does what any of us would do. He turns to Jesus and asks, “What about him?” (speaking of John). To which Jesus answers, “That is none of your business. I will tell you your story, but I won’t tell you his or anyone else's.” Then Jesus goes on to tell Peter the essence of what it means to be a disciple with a simple command: “Follow Me.”
This Sunday we wrap up five months spent in the Gospel of John. Five months spent in three different series, all focused on the greatness of Jesus. So, it is fitting that the last word is, “Follow Me.” Follow the One we have been making such a fuss about. Follow the One who blew up the Trinity, ripped a hole in the fabric of reality, and became one of us. Follow the One who took your death penalty so that you could go free. So, yeah! “Follow Me” is about right! This week we will ponder what that actually means.