We Band of Brothers

Jack T. Chick died this week. Even if his name doesn't ring a bell, you may still know his work if you've ever been on the giving or receiving end of a "Chick Gospel Tract." He published hundreds of these little well-drawn comics on a wide range of evangelistic topics (my personal favorites are hilariously earnest denunciations of rock music and non-KJV Bible translations). The primary result of his and others' work to conserve "the moral majority" at the turn of this century led many, myself included, to grow up thinking that true spiritual warfare consists primarily in reforming the world "out there." It was Christians versus Secularists - and the primary battlefield was God's own America herself.I have since been forced to face the stark reality that true spiritual warfare consists more often than not in the resistance of my own capricious flesh against the steadfast Love of God. It's not some social evil "out there" - it's the natural bent of my own wicked heart to reject the grace of God, "in here." The bloody battlefield is my own everyday life and the relationships and choices and habits that make it up. How can I fight for God's reign "out there" if I'm so busy trying to dethrone him in my own heart every moment of every day? As I heard a counselor say recently, "Jesus may be in your heart, but Grandpa's in your bones." It's a hard and lifelong journey to break the cycles of generations of human sin in us as far as your participation with the Spirit of Christ will take us.I don't know about you, but for me, that sounds overwhelming and impossible. I didn't sign up for this - I'd rather just hang onto my eternal security and look forward to escaping all this and getting into heaven when I die! But Jesus has a much, much, better plan than getting us out of earth and into heaven. He's bringing heaven to earth, and he's starting in our hearts. This Sunday, we'll finish the third chapter of Philippians as we see a call to join together as a band of brothers in this effort to see heaven come to earth and become local in us. Until then, I hope you'll be as deeply encouraged as I was by this hymn, which I have let become my constant prayer this week.O great God of highest heaven Occupy my lowly heart Own it all and reign supreme Conquer every rebel power Let no vice or sin remain That resists Your holy war You have loved and purchased me Make me Yours forevermoreMusic and words by Bob Kauflin © 2006 Sovereign Grace Praise (BMI)Listen to the Whole Song Here - Josh

Friday BlogJoshua Smith