One Thing

There is power in vision and focus. The power comes in vision and focus puts blinders on you so you can only see one thing. Focus gathers up all the energy that is going in a thousand different directions and, like a laser, gives that energy direction and purpose. When I walk into a room and hit a light switch amazingly the light chases the darkness away and I can see. But if I take light, gather it up, and focus it in one place, like happens under a magnifying glass, it is a different story. The magnifying glass gathers the light up into a pin-point like beam that is so intense it will burn through paper.In the passage we will look at this Sunday, Paul uses this image to talk about Christianity. He says he is about only one thing. Paul is so captivated by what he knows and sees in Jesus that his life has a focus and an intensity about it - and that is knowing Jesus. He doesn’t mean that other things are not important, but that knowing Jesus puts every other good thing in it’s proper focus. That is Christianity. If it is true that we were made to know God, that it is what we were built for, that it is the fuel that drives our passions and imagination, then it makes sense that the more we lay hold of that one thing, the more human we will become.As I have thought about this this week, I can see the fault lines and problems that come into my life are always a result of losing this one thing. So, Sunday we are going to talk about the dynamics of the Christian Life and how pursuing one thing will not make us weird, but more human. Hope to see you Sunday!Blessings,Jim

Friday BlogJoshua Smith