The Truth shall set you free

As I look out the window I can see the Rocky Mountains far off in the distance.  I've been in Denver for a few days at a Church Planting meeting with our denomination. As I am finishing up these meetings with some of the most gifted guys I know, in an amazingly beautiful place, I am ready to get back to my people and my place. No, that is not accurate - I can't wait to get home.As I come home, I am excited about a new series of sermon about freedom. Jesus said a profound thought that bears much reflection, " will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." Are you serious?  What would you give to be free of anxiety, fear, shame, or any of the idols that deform your life and relationships? Jesus says there is a way! For the next six weeks we are going to talk about truths that will set you free.In the last two years I have seen a ton of folk find deep healing and freedom as they have grasped deep gospel truths and learned to apply them to their deepest fears and besetting sins. I look forward to starting the conversation this Sunday!Blessings,Jim