If God is really Great, then...

Jesus said that the truth will set us free. The assumption in that statement is that we are not free, that in fact we are perhaps slaves of something. What are we to make of this? I mean, we live in a place were we really are free to do almost anything we want to do, so perhaps we have evolved beyond this reality? Or could it be that we live in a time when, with all the freedom of choices and options in life, we find ourselves in more bondage and slavery than thosee in the world who appear to not have freedom.Freedom in any construct is always the ability to do what you were built or designed for. In the Bible, in Genesis 3, we see that our proclivity as fallen creatures is to "use our freedom to take away our freedom." What I mean, is that because we think we know better than God about how our life ought to go, we make choices apart from His wisdom that does not bring long term joy and satisfaction, but alienation and bondage.One of the great lies we believe is that we control our lives. It really is not true. We really don't control much. It all goes wrong when we lose sight that God is in control, so we feel, and act, like we have to be in control. Then, when the world doesn't go the way we think it should, because of a tragedy, or people not behaving in a certain way, or we are not getting from our spouse or friends what we think we deserve, this is what happens - we get anxious, mad, maybe hysterical, or depressed.This Sunday we are looking at a great truth in the Bible - "God is in Control." When we stop believing the lie of control and rest in God's good rule and reign in our lives, it's a game changer. We'll talk about it this Sunday.Blessings,Jim