Last year we began discussing “RE-Visioning.” That is, the Session looked at our original purpose statements and core values to see if we still really believed them. After months of conversation, we concluded that they were right; the values expressed when we planted St. Patrick years ago were the things we were still passionate about. For clarity’s sake, we amended some of our original language and added “Discipleship” core value. More importantly, we added a new vision statement to express what we are all about in this local communion:
Loving God, Loving People and Loving Life. In other words, you can boil the heartbeat of our church down like this: it is about making more and better disciples of Jesus, who exhibit a deep love for God, a passion for people, and a zest for the abundant life Jesus promised.As part of looking at our vision, we have also been looking at all of our ministries to see how they fit into our purpose, and, further, how we are going to achieve the purposes God has given us. Key to us carrying out this vision is building a permanent facility on Byhalia Road, a location right in the center of Collierville. This led to us installing a semi-permanent sign on our property, planning for two huge events on our property where we could get to know our neighbors (one of which the town canceled due to inclement weather), and the Session saying that the time is right to start thinking about building!For the past several months, the Building Committee has been at work on plans for a new facility. We have plans from our
Deep Roots campaign several years ago, but after much discussion, it was agreed that they needed modifications in order to be adequate, beautiful and affordable. We also appointed an exploratory team, tasked with gauging our ability to proceed with a building project, which would include a Generosity Initiative (similar to a “Capital Campaign) in the future.To assist us with the Generosity Initiative, we hired Generis, a company that specializes in helping churches like ours, who are thinking about building or doing specific projects that require money. The first thing Generis recommended was
Generosity Audit of the church. Dave Anderson, a Generis consultant, came and interviewed numerous people in our church, and from those interviews—combined with St. Patrick’s financial data—generated a report that included information on where St. Patrick is in terms of generosity, our capacity and desire to build, and helpful suggestions on how to shore up our weaknesses. (This report is available on the St. Patrick website.) I am thrilled to tell you that St. Patrick will be launching a Generosity Initiative in March to raise money for our new building!The main question that always needs to be asked when beginning something of this magnitude is, “Why should we, as a body of people, invest a lot of money in a new building?” Well, let me make an observation first. Hardly a day goes by when someone doesn’t make one of two statements to me or someone else in our congregation: “Now, where is St. Patrick located?” or “We will be coming to your new church when you get it built.” Why is this new facility so crucial to our vision of making new and better disciples of Jesus who are Loving God, Loving People and Loving Life?
- It is strategically located in the heart of Collierville - visible and convenient
- It will have a larger sanctuary to accommodate more people, ministry, and growth
- It is right in the middle of multiple residential neighborhoods
- It is a place that will function as the "front porch" for folk in Collierville to gather
We truly believe this investment in a new facility is the best possible way to realize our vision of being a continual blessing to our friends and neighbors.The theme of the campaign is called Thriving, and is taken from what we believe is the call to all believers and churches as they locate themselves in their own particular place: “Move in, settle down, plant deep roots, raise your children—and pray for thriving in the city.” (Jeremiah 29: 5-7 paraphrased for emphasis.) The call to be a follower of Jesus is always to be a person who brings blessing to those around him. You will notice in the text just cited that the call was for Israel to be nothing less than a blessing to the very people that held them captive!How much more is this a call to us, who do not see in type and shadow, but live in the blazing light of the generosity of God on display in the person of Jesus! If I know anything at all of human thriving and peace in my life, with my family, and among my friends, it is because of Jesus. The work of Jesus is all about gathering a people who have his life and light in their lives, who live to overflow in blessedness to their friends around them.So please be in prayer about this. In just a short time, we will all be caught up in a pivotal moment in our story as a community. There will be meetings to attend, calls to prayer, and calls to sacrifice. We will be challenged to ask: Do we really want to overflow in blessing to our neighbors and town? Do we really believe that God has called us to have a bigger part in the thriving of people in our town? Do we really want to see God’s kingdom expand, both in numbers of new disciples and in depth of those who already know Jesus? I really believe that St. Patrick’s best days are ahead of us!