Looking for a Cure

Many times, I have heard stories about people suffering from a terminal illness or life-altering injury who traveled to distant parts of the world looking for a miracle cure, whether through a religious ritual or a supposed medical breakthrough. However, most of these stories end the same way, with the "cure" amounting to little more than superstition or snake oil. I certainly don't blame anyone for wanting to try one of these methods--after all, who doesn't want to get better from an illness or injury?Believe it or not, a man traveling to an out-of-the-way place looking for a miracle cure is not a new storyline; in fact, it's in the Bible! In 2 Kings 5, we read about a famous, powerful, successful military commander named Naaman. The problem? He was suffering from a terminal illness. But an unlikely person knew how--and where--he could be healed...The account of Naaman looking for a cure isn't just about a medical miracle, though. It's about so much more! In fact, if we read it carefully, we'll see that it's all about how God rescues people like you and me every day. So come this Sunday as we explore this incredible story together!Grace & Peace,Brian

Friday BlogJoshua Smith