The Unlikely King
In the Story of God, we come to perhaps the most important figure in the Old Testament. In fact, more ink is used to tell the story of this one figure than any character in the Old Testament. His name is David. Why is he important, you ask? Because when the true deliverer came, he was linked more with David more than any other human figure!
This week, we will begin looking at the story of David. It starts in an unlikely way, because David is an unlikely person to be chosen as a king. Samuel the prophet-- God's king-maker--goes to a man named Jesse who has eight sons, because God told him that one of his boys would be the next king. Samuel is so impressed with the oldest boy, Eliab, that when he sees him, he intuitively and immediately thinks, "This is surly the one God has chosen." But then, as Samuel assesses him the way God assesses people and looks at his interior life, he sort of writes him off. Seven times Samuel says, "He is not this one."David is not even at the feast; he is of no consequence, out tending sheep, which was kind of a minimum wage job. In fact, his father didn't even invite him to the king-making! But God has other plans. Thank God he does! And because of that, there might be hope for ordinary people like us. We'll talk about it this Sunday.