The Giant and the Young Hero
We started looking at the life of David last week. The Old Testament spends more time on his life than on that of any other figure. It might seem out of balance, until you realize that God is up to something. The real hero of the Bible--Jesus--is forever linked with this human figure; Jesus is constantly called, "The Son of David." It seems that David grounds Jesus (who is God's true son) in flesh and blood. From David, we get a look at what real "spirituality" looks like, and it turns out to be very "earthy." I like that.Anyway, this week we are looking at David and Goliath. There is perhaps no story in the Bible as well known as this. People who don't even know the Bible know this one. The problem with us who do know the Bible however is that we continue to view it as a Children's Story, and we tend to forget that as we get older, we still need stories! We never outgrow the call of stories and the way they both illuminate reality and continue to guide us as we get older. A giant and a young hero! This is so good, this is better than fairy tales; I can't wait for us to open this one up Sunday.Also, this Sunday, we will be having the unveiling--"the Reveal"--of the new youth rooms, so come to early for Sunday School. I have watched the youth rooms go from looking like places that are just plain and drab to places I want to linger. You won't believe what Amy Henson and her crew have done!