The Christ Hymn; My Life for Yours
This Sunday we are looking at what is perhaps one of the five most significant passages in all the Bible. By that I am not implying that other passages of Holy Scripture are not important, but I am saying that there are some passages in Scripture that stand out in bold relief and give such pointed and clear teaching that we are forced to bow in repentance and faith before them, or ignore them. The passage in Philippians we are looking at this week is called “The Christ Hymn.” Most scholars agree that Paul didn’t write it, but that it is one of the oldest hymns of the church, circulated and sung by congregations from Jerusalem to Rome. This hymn is a celebration of the person and work of Jesus. We say all the time at St. Patrick that the Bible is “The Story of God.” In this story, God is the hero. "The bible is not about you, but it is for you.”In this passage is the clearest teaching in the Bible from the hero of the story - Jesus. But more than that, Paul tells us in this text to have the same mind that Jesus had. You hear that? We actually have a window into what the God/man was actually thinking. We have the distilled essence of the mind of God, and Paul then pointedly says - we are to have the same mind that Jesus had. In other words, our thinking about life, reality, the self, and culture is to be that of Jesus. Our goal at St. Patrick is very simple - to help people become more like Jesus in every area of life. This Sunday, if you want to know what is at the heart of this, or we might say - ultimate reality, what is real, what is lasting, how to be truly free - it is all in this text.In a little while, Teri and I will be headed to Oxford to a big, beautiful, glorious tailgate in Oxford, Mississippi. I am totally jazzed about it. As a loyal son of the University of Memphis I will be a minority but that is okay; I will see relatives, old friends, and many of my friends from St. Patrick, Collierville, and Memphis. I will reconnect with people from my seminary days and from my old parish - it will be a blast. But you know what, I have thought while sitting outside, thinking, pondering, and becoming lost in wonder at the astonishing truth of this “Christ Hymn,” I am more excited and electrified by the good news we will celebrate this Sunday at St. Patrick. Jesus really is the best news! Hope to see you Sunday.Blessing on you,Jim