Stairway to Heaven (and Backyard Bash!)
Long before Led Zeppelin wrote one of the greatest rock songs of all times, "Stairway to Heaven," we actually see one being built in the book of Genesis. It is sort of weird actually, until you begin to think about what is happening in Genesis.Last week, Brian talked about how God destroyed the earth with a flood in a gracious judgement. The reason God comes out of heaven is given in chapter 6: "men's hearts were always on evil." So men and women are running from God, away from his gracious rule as fast as they can go. So God cleanses the earth, and it is like a rebirth.When we get to chapter 11, which we will look at Sunday, we see that men are still running from God, and he comes out of heaven in judgement. What is crazy is that this time, though men are running from God, it is not like you think. They are actually doing good stuff--building a city, having technological breakthroughs, and for the first time in history, seemingly building a civilization. So why does God come out of heaven to confuse their language and scatter them? it is because they are running from God as well, though they look pretty good in the effort. Curious, well we will talk about it Sunday. Things haven't changed much since then.One other thing: the Backyard Bash is tomorrow. I do hope you will come. We talk a lot about being on mission--that Christianity is not a personal thing, but always thrusts you into mission. This is a chanch to bless your neighbors, bless Collierville, and bless anyone who walks onto our future church property. So invite your friends and join us tomorrow!Blessings,Jim