The Soul Room, Part Two

For three weeks now I have pushed that to be formed more into the likeness of Christ, we need to develop what I am calling “Habits of Grace.” Habits are things that we consciously set out to do, because they are the right things to do, or because love demands we develop certain habits, or because they demonstrate love to the beloved. After a period of time, habits  become so ingrained in us that we just do them. “Habits” form us in all areas of life. The real question is not "Will I develop habits that form my life and character?" but "Will I intentionally form Godly habits that develop my life into the kind of person I want to be?"So, I am suggesting that we all take a look at our lives and the “habits” we now have and ask the question "Did I consciously form these to be like Jesus or are the habits that make up my life things that I either consciously or sub-consciensly picked up from the culture without reflection or intentionality?" That is a tough one.Anyway this Sunday, we are talking about why it is that at the heart of not only the Soul Room but most of the “Habits of Grace” is the primacy of the Bible. This Sunday, before we get too deep into the “habits,” I want you to see why the psalmist could look at the Scripture and say, “It was like honey to my mouth.”Blessings,James M. Holland

Friday BlogJoshua Smith