The Soul Room

There is a consensus among theologians and people who help in “spiritual formation,” that the number one indicator of spiritual growth and maturity in wisdom and love for God is this - will you develop the habit of reading the Bible and praying on a daily basis? Well, that seems fair enough, doesn’t it? I mean, as believers we are, and always have been, a “people of the book.” It would make sense that, if we believe in the God who revealed himself in space/time history by coming in the flesh and also chose to leave a revelation of his love and his story to his people, it would be a thing of singular interest. And yet, every survey I read says something like this, “Less than 20% of people who call themselves believers actually read the bible with any regularity.” Also, “about 25% say they never read the Bible at all.”This week we are going to talk about that. For years, even as a minister, I found it hard and even resisted the habit of carving out time to read the Bible and pray. I also thought that I was doing my congregation a favor by not putting another legalism on them like that. I am a little older now and the very thing I used to find such a burden and so hard, I know would submit is sort of a lifeline in the formation of my love for Jesus.Sunday I will share my journey with you and also start to answer questions like, “How do we hear God speak to us in the Bible?” “How can I pray without my mind wandering?” “Will God really meet me as I set out to be in what I am calling 'The Soul Room?'”Hope you will join me Sunday!BlessingsJim

Friday BlogJoshua Smith