You are more involved in God’s Mission than you Think!
“We don't have a typical 'Missions Program' here at St. Patrick - because you are the missions program at St. Patrick!” That, or something like that, is what I told someone recently who asked me if our church was into “Missions.” Of course I told them we were into missions, the church exists for missions. God is, after all, a missional God - he came looking to rescue and bless us. We support two church plants because we are so concerned about the mission of God in the world. However, the reason I said that was to articulate a simple truth that seems to be lost on most evangelicals - “If you are a believer, you are on God’s Mission to heal the brokenness of the world around you.”I am not making that up. Each one of us is more involved in God’s Mission to the world than we think we are. Many people come to church and want to pay other people to do missions for them. Other people like to be in a church that 'Supports Missions.' Still other people like to do a 'Missions Project' at certain times of year, like Christmas and Thanksgiving. Now, don’t misunderstand what I am about to say. I think you should do special things at Christmas and Thanksgiving and your church should support missions and missionaries - those are good things. But if that is all you do, you have no idea that when God saved you, he pulled you into his plan to make the world a place of blessedness.You say, “What is that suppose to mean?” Glad you asked. Sunday, we are going to talk about God’s mission to change the world; it is not done with professionals, but with ordinary people, who are passionate disciples of Jesus in their world, neighborhood, and sphere’s of influence. It is all so ordinary and yet pervasive. Hope you are interested, because Sunday we will talk about it!Blessings,Jim