God is More Knowable Than You Think

 One of the unique things about Christianity is that, while in every other religion the deity demands you follow his lordship, only in Christianity does God want your friendship! Look at any religion you want and the main reason for law following or trying to please the god or gods is for the purpose of keeping god at a distance. Christianity brought something new. It says that God, the creator of the universe, actually came to earth and suffered, not so that he could endure you, but so that he could delight in you and you would delight in him!This Sunday we are going to talk about what it means to not just know God, but to delight in God. I think most people in suburbia think of God in totally abstract terms or just think of God as giving them the rules they need to follow. So Sunday we will talk about knowing God and knowing his friendship. Hope you join us. And by the way, two things:1. If you are new here, and want to know more about St. Patrick, we have a class called an “Inquirers' Class.” It starts this Sunday at 9:20am and runs three weeks. In this class we will answer everything you would like to know about what we believe, what our mission is, and what it means to belong. I hope you will join us.2. Adult Sunday Schools starts this Sunday. Thanks for your patience as we have been working out sound issues!Blessings,Jim

Friday BlogJoshua Smith