The Game Changer
Over the past several years Memphis Tiger fans have watched and hoped that we would get some promised player who would be a game changer. That is, we would land that one player who, to have him, would guarantee our rise to national prominence again. Over the past few years many have given up hope or are just cynical, we just can't seem to land that guy.
I think most of us are always looking for the "game changer" person, event or moment in our lives when someone or something (like winning the lottery) would utterly and completely change our lives and take us out of the muck and mire of having to live in the mundane world of sin, scarcity, brokenness and loss.
Here is the truth - we have witnessed the "game changer!" This week we will talk about it in detail. The game changer in the Bible is the resurrection and ascension of Jesus. How, you ask? One illustration--the disciples. When Jesus died on the cross it was not strange. Many great leaders have died as martyrs. That would have been sad and hard for the disciples to swallow, but what else can explain how they went from bumbling, cowardly, dull witted men to a group that would die to man for their faith?
How is the resurrection and ascension of Jesus a game changer in both your life and mine? If you are not sure, join us this Sunday at St. Patrick and we will talk about it.