Everyday Eating: Meals and Mission

We have been talking about food on Sunday mornings here at St. Patrick. We are doing this not only because our pastor love to cook and eat the things he cooks, but because if we look at Jesus’ life carefully, he was always going to a party, hosting a party, or talking about heaven as a party. I’m not making this up, go read the gospel of Luke.Anyway, this week we are talking about how meals and hospitality are potentially the greatest way to bless people and see the Kingdom of God expand. You may think that statement is hyperbole, but if you come Sunday I can guarantee you a couple of things.- It is not hyperbole- All the conditions for you to be extremely useful in the kingdom - you are already doing!What if I told you that you were already halfway there to being an effective missionary, blesser of people, and spreader of the Kingdom and you don’t have to go to any special classes, or read any special books, or become an expert in apologetics? No classes to attend, no need for a certificate, nor special permission from anyone in the church - that might be a game changer. Further, what if I told you that the future growth of the church was much more rooted in the people of St. Patrick’s everyday eating than the beautiful building we will occupy in six weeks?Well, come Sunday and we will weave that narrative together. We will also see that at a point in time, in the midst of the life of the new and fledgling church, it was a meal, yes, food and dinner companions, that actually changed history. This is going to be good!Blessing,

James M. Holland