The Cross and Ideas that Changed History
As we are about to finish up our series called "The Story of God," this week we will think about the Apostle Paul. Paul is the instrument in God's hand who took what the Apostles wrote about in the gospels and told us the deep meaning that was residing in the person and work of Christ. What is astounding about that is that Paul didn't set out to be the one who gave us a clear theology of the cross, he was actually a religious zealot who was persecuting believers. This zealot who was present as they stoned the first martyr then got a glimpse of the risen Christ and it so changed him, he spent the rest of his life writing and spreading the message of the cross to people who were not in his tribe. Along the way he managed to offend believers and skeptics alike.Anyway, this Sunday we will look at four major ideas that the Apostle Paul clearly articulated and which shape our thinking till this day. We will also see that these ideas even changed the way non-believers think as well. Hope to see you Sunday.