Worry & Anxiety
Do you remember the song from the 80's called "Don't Worry, Be Happy," by Bobby McFarrin? Of course you do. Everyone does. That certainly seems like a reasonable sentiment. After all, not worrying and being happy are good things. But let's be real, here: there is a lot you can worry about, both in your own life, and in the world at large. And because happiness tends to be based upon happenings, it can be incredibly elusive. Instead, worry, fear, and anxiety set in, and the next thing we know, we look around and wonder if there is any hope at all.However, in the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus gives this directive: "Do not be anxious about your life..." In other words, "Do not worry." Imagine who he is saying this to: a group of rural subsistence farmers living under the regime of a foreign empire. They had a lot to worry about--probably more than most of us. And yet, Jesus is resolute: don't be anxious. So, is this just more sentiment, more "putting on rose-colored glasses"? It sure would seem that way, if not for the fact that Jesus, rather than ignoring the problems people face, addresses them head on, and calls people to see their needs and problems in light of the care of a gracious God who loves them. This doesn't make their problems magically disappear, but it does help them realize that God will care for them according to his loving purposes, come what may.What is the ultimate guarantee that God loves us and cares for us? The cross of Jesus. As St. Paul says in Romans 8, "He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, how will he not also with him graciously give us all things?" That is the hope God uses to keep worry and anxiety from controlling our lives. We'll talk more about it on Sunday. Hope to see you here!Blessings,Jim