Vision: St. Patrick's and Yours
This Sunday will be the first Sunday in the New Year. Hard to believe isn't it? But here we are, about to embark on a new adventure both as a church and as individuals. I think this is a big deal and you should too.For St. Patrick this is a huge year. In a real sense, sometime around Labor Day we will move into a new building on the most prominent location in Collierville. That is a big deal. That dominates all of my thinking, planing, praying and visioning. In God's providence I think St. Patrick is unique in both our presentation of the gospel and our ability to show people that the gospel is not about God taking you out of life, but about you "loving life!" I for one don't want to waste any opportunity to literally help change the trajectory of individuals and families.To help all of us prepare for the future, we are starting the year by looking at our vision values; what St. Patrick is and what we feel we are called to do and be in the town of Collierville. This Sunday we will talk about our vision and I also want to challenge you to think about your own vision of life with your family.Hope to see you Sunday as we kick off a memorable year of life and ministry at St. Patrick.Blessings,Jim