Tune Our Hearts

Marva Dawn has a book on worship called, A Royal “Waste” of Time: The Splendor of Worshiping God and Being Church for the World. I like that, because what she is getting at is that of all the Habits of Grace we talk about, worship is the least utilitarian. What I mean is, it seems to get you nothing! We see great purpose in studying the Bible in the Soul Room and talking with God in prayer. We see purpose in Sabbath and Celebration because we all have seen and felt the value of rest. Community, we really see the value in interacting with friends that become like family. But worship? Is it worth it? Apparently not, in our culture. There are more and more people who talk about being Jesus followers, who might even read the Bible and pray, but who feel no compulsion to worship and view it essentially as a waste of their time.
To be clear, I am talking about corporate worship here. I am referring to the stated time your tribe or church family has designated to gather corporately as the people of God to declare the praises of God—together. Now, while worship in the church may be on the downswing (according to all the statistics I read), worship in the culture has not diminished at all. No, we were built by God to worship. Whatever we delight in, we will find the time to gather with other people who delight in the same thing, and we will celebrate like there is no tomorrow. If you doubt me, just wait till the fall arrives, and watch people show up in droves to celebrate their favorite football teams!
This Sunday we are talking about worship, the practice of gathering with your tribe under Word, Sacrament, and Prayer. Show me a people formed by God anywhere in the world, and I will show you a people who gather to worship. It is almost like we can’t help it. If you think not much is happening in worship, join us Sunday as we peel back the veil just a little to see what God is doing for us and in us when we make worship one of the greatest priorities in our life.