The Supremacy of Christ
What a week! Ship wrecks, pirate booty, song, dance, and lots of kids participating in VBS at St. Patrick. VBS is always a special week for us. Anytime you open up your home and invite the community in, it is a special time. We can’t begin to thank all the volunteers (many of whom took a week off to be with our children) who gave of their time and talent. It was glorious! I do think it safe to say, “A good time was had by all.” VBS started off kind of crazy––in fact, crazy may be an understatement. The set for the shipwreck production included covering the whole front wall of the church with painted foam boards. It was impressive. The foam boarding went up over 20 feet high, well above the cross and the place where the projectors display words and information during our worship. Just minutes before VBS started, as the air in the church kicked on, a slight rumble was heard from the front of the church. As people looked up, the foam boarding that covered the cross slowly toppled to the ground, as if to say, “Nothing is more important than the cross.” It is sort of funny, if you think about it. Kind of like that scene in the Old Testament when the Philistines captured the Ark of the Covenant from Israel. They took the Ark into the temple of their god Dagon. In the morning, Dagon was laying on his back. They put him back in place and, when they came in the next morning, he was again on his back, and this time his hands and head were broken off. So, like the Philistines of old, we took the hint: we left the foam sheeting down, and let the cross stand out as the centerpiece of the space where we worship and play.That is a good segue to this Sunday at St. Patrick. We are blessed to have my hero (and Martha Murphy’s father), Dr. Charles McGowan, with us to talk about the supremacy of Christ. In the Apostles’ Creed that we recite almost every week and which we are talking about this summer, the centerpiece and major focus is on the person and work of Jesus. This is intentional, because in the economy of the gospel the person and work of Jesus is central and supreme. So, join us Sunday as we make much ado about Jesus!Blessings,Jim