Taming the Tongue
Words are weighty! We may say "talk is cheap," but we all know that is not true. Of all God’s creation only we can use language. Words are power! Trees, dogs, and even the most highly intelligent primate cannot take words and tell a person what is in their very soul. But words, the power of language - the most precious gift God gave us, is corrupted to the point that that which can be used for good, becomes a weapon we all use against each other. In fact, the book of Proverbs says, words have the power of life and death! Life and death. We can heal with our words and we can wound. The most powerful thing in the world is three simple words together, “I love you.” While on the other hand, if you want to ruin a child, tell him every day that he is no good.Words are why millions of people spend billions of dollars each year on therapy. Words! Words are power and Scripture says they reveal the heart. What you say shows what is in your heart. And Scripture also says, “no one can tame the tongue.” What are we to do? That is a good question and I am glad you asked it. Sunday we will discuss how we, by God’s grace, can use this power we all have for good and not for ill. Hope to see you there.Blessings,Jim