Summer is officially here. Kids are out of school and, for most of us, we change rhythms. I don’t know about you, but I love this. So, as a church we change rhythms as well. There is good reason for this, the chief being that we all need a break. Volunteers at St. Patrick work a lot and the summer affords each of us a break. Plus, if we never step away from the things we do on a weekly basis, we cannot really see their value. So, while we take a break from a lot of the scheduled ministry things here at St. Patrick that doesn’t mean we take a break from God! Quiet the contrary. If you are like me, if I am not constantly running to Jesus because I am overwhelmed or overcome by my sin - then who knows what my life might look like.Christianity is about being a disciple. For the past five months I have labored to portray the habits of a disciple, the sort of things any disciple of Jesus does on a weekly basis. As far as I can tell, the summer affords a good time to engage the Habits of Grace and delight in God. Even if we change rhythms, we still need the Soul Room, community, worship, celebration, etc. And the summer affords us more time to do new things different from our normal weekly rhythms. For instance, because kids are not doing homework and having to get in bed early, it is easier to have folk over, it is easier to cultivate new friends. And while most of us will take some time for vacation, I would encourage you to find a way to enjoy a weekly respite with good food, good friends, and good conversation.The reason I stress this is: Christianity offers us a robust life, but essentially in the mundane! It is a life filled with both the feast and the fast; tears and laughter; joy and sorrow. Christianity makes us more human. But to engage that you have to engage people in places of hospitality, friendship, and slow time. Disney World, the beach, and California are great vacations, but what would your life look like if, on a weekly basis, you experienced a robust life of food, community, and mission in your own backyard. It might be - glorious!May it be so,Jim