The Story of the Loving Father

Today, I was talking with a friend about the sermon text for this Sunday, and he said, "Man, where would we be if that parable wasn't in the Bible?" This is, indeed, that sort of a story--the Story of the Loving Father. Haven't heard of it? You've probably heard it referred as "The Prodigal Son," or, more recently, "The Two Lost Sons," found in Luke 15:11-32. But while Jesus tells us many things about both of the brothers in this story, make no mistake: it is fundamentally about the Father. It is about the love and grace he extends to two boys who are doing all they can to build lives apart from him in very different ways. If we're honest, we'll all see something of ourselves in the lives of these two young men, and Lord willing, in the process, come to experience the love our Father has for us.  I hope you'll join us Sunday! Grace & Peace,Brian