Resurrection Truths
Resurrection TruthsWell, Lent is coming to a close and I don't know about you, but I am ready to hear the words of the liturgy this Easter Morning:
He is Risen!
He is Risen indeed!
This Sunday another Easter rolls around, and as I was pondering the message I would preach, it struck me again why we set aside days to specifically reflect upon events of great magnitude. Christianity is built on an astonishing claim: Jesus did not stay dead--he defeated death, and now rules and reigns with his Father. I talk about this truth every day; so much so that it can become common place. When that happens, I lose a sense of wonder and mystery. When that happens, I am not personally gripped by the earth-shattering, world-altering, life-altering truth claim that is being made.Easter is such a singular event, and yet we tend to accept it too easily. Let me show you what I mean: we all go to funerals, but when was the last time you saw someone get out of the coffin and started talking? More importantly, what would you do if they did? See what I mean? Easter is a singular event, so we have to set aside a day to celebrate it once a year, and ponder it anew until we are taken in by the wonder and mystery of God's love for sinners.This Sunday, we will talk plainly about Easter. There will be something there for skeptics, new believers, old believers, cynics and people who are just indifferent. To do this, all we have to do is look at Jesus' very own disciples to see how difficult faith can be, and how easy skepticism can be. The good news is that, despite the difficult time the disciples had believing on the front end, when the truth finally did hit them, their lives--and the world--were transformed forever.So if you are cynical, remember this principle: "If a thing has happened once, it can happen again." Who knows, it might just happen to you and me.....Blessing,JimP.S. Remember our Easer service times:7:00 AM: Sunrise Service at the church property9:00 AM: Morning Worship10:15 AM: Easter Brunch in the Fellowship Hall11:00 AM: Morning WorshipBe sure and bring a friend; after all, Easter is the one Sunday of the year that people seem predisposed to attend a worship service!