The Proof is in the Church
You have heard the old saying, “The proof is in the pudding.” Originally that proverb went like this, “The Proof of the pudding is in the eating.” Both of them are saying the same thing - you can look at something and it may look good, but until you put it in your mouth, until you bite into it and taste it, you really don't know if it is good. I was on Study Leave this week planning and praying about what God would have us study for the rest of the year after spending so much time on the "Habits of Grace.” I confess that I had been stumped - no light from God, nothing that jumped out to me. I had quizzed our Session for insights because last time I asked them, one of our Elders suggested the "Habits of Grace," which was not what I had been planning. But as it turned out, it was wise to listen to wise counsel.Anyway, I was praying and there was nothing, but then I was meditating on John 13, where Jesus says, “all men will know you are my disciples by your love.” He didn’t say "by your knowledge," he said by your love. And in a moment of clarity I thought - this is it. "The proof is in the church." Jesus is known not in buildings or budgets, programs or preaching, but by the quality of our love for one another. The New Testament then in a very unique and concrete way tells us how this love for one another plays out. I won’t tell you how, you will have to come to worship on Sunday to hear that.Speaking of coming this Sunday, you will also have to come to find out who our new Assistant Pastor is! We have hired a great guy, a Jedi actually, though he is too humble to call himself that. The Session (the group that has spiritual oversight at St. Patrick) issued a call to this gentlemen and he has accepted. I could tell you more but, I love surprises (don’t you?). So, on Sunday we will announce who we have hired as Assistant Pastor at St. Patrick, show you a picture of his family and let you know when he start his ministry among us.After being away for a couple of weeks I can’t wait to be back! As Dorthy says, “There is no place like home.”Blessings,Jim