Practicing Heaven Now, Part Two

Heaven is not something we only wait for in the future - it is now! That is what we are talking about because Paul says the people of God are a “colony” or an “outpost” of heaven on this earth. I don’t know about you but when I let that roll around in my imagination, it moves me much more than just obeying the rules. When I think about my life right now being about bringing heaven to earth - that moves me far beyond any prohibition or command to not do something. When I think about creating heaven now - that causes me to think about building something that is not only true, but good and beautiful.
Anyway, this week we will look at a couple of things that are part of bringing heaven to earth - joy and peace. One of the reasons that part of our vision statement is “Loving Life” is because of this. Have you ever tried to reach people for Jesus by being miserable in front of them? I mean really? I get that life is marred by the fall, we are sinners, and there is suffering; but have you looked around lately? God has given us a world that is beautiful and the physical ability to drink it in and know it as pleasure. Peace and joy speak to this aspect of living with an outrageous joy and a sense of deep satisfaction - yes, even in a fallen world.
We can’t fake this. There is no technique we can give you for true joy, delight, and contented satisfaction. Heck, even if I could give you a technique to fake joy, I wouldn't. As a pastor, I so want you to inhabit a life of joy and peace, I would never give you the counterfeit. You want to know more about this? More about joy in all circumstances and peace in the midst of the storm? Well, join me on Sunday as we celebrate what Jesus has done for sinners like us. Join me as we are invited by God to a feast. Join me as we ponder how we can have deep joy all the time. I hope to see you Sunday,
Friday BlogJoshua Smith