You are What you Love

Lots of ministries start back this week - Sunday School, SonShine, Grease and Grace, and most of our Community Groups. I am also starting a new series of sermons on Sunday morning called “Habits of Grace.” So, during the season of Epiphany and Lent, leading up to Easter, we are going to talk about how being a disciple of Jesus really is about our habits.I would even say this, “you are your habits.” See, the way to change is not getting more information - heaven knows we have more good information than we can shake a stick at. Why do you think there will always be ten best sellers with “new and exciting information" on how to change? Why do you think there will always be a multitude of “weekend seminars” on how to be a better parent, better spouse, better worker, or better leader. Here is why - we want to believe (even though we know deep inside it is not true) that all we need is “the right information."The whole idea of just getting “more information” ignores a fundamental reality of the human soul - “You are what you love.” For me to change, I have to change my loves and just getting a little information will not undo what appetite and affection long for. This is why we are going to talk about habits. Habits are not just ideas, they are the actions you do, repeatedly until they become second nature. Habits go after more than the head, they go after the body, the appetites, the desires - the heart. All change comes from getting our “loves” right. And to get the loves right it takes truth that is put into habits.So I hope to see you Sunday and also hope you will see the value of making things like worship, community, prayer, etc. into “Habits of Grace.”Blessings,James M. Holland 

Friday BlogJoshua Smith