Would you like to own a house like that?

I am so excited to have Dave Kraft preaching this Sunday. Dave has written a couple of books on leadership and is a seasoned communicator.  Dave is also my coach and of all the things he has taught me, the thing that has changed my life the most is, "having a living relationship with God." What I mean by that is — Dave has continued to push me to know God intimately. So, I asked Dave to preach on "Knowing God." I don't mean knowing about God, but knowing God. In the bible, the picture Jesus uses to talk about this is the parable of the two houses--one built on sand, the other on a rock.
So, hope to see you Sunday! Remember, Sunday School for all ages has started, so hope to see you at 9:15! If you haven't been to our Adult Sunday School, I encourage you to check it out.
Friday BlogJoshua Smith