Lent and Joy
At first glance, it seems that the season of Lent and the idea of joy have little in common. After all, isn't Lent concerned with denying self, giving up pleasures and things that we really love? The relationship between Lent and joy requires a deeper look at the idea of joy and the purpose of Lent. Joy (unlike the term "happiness") is not driven by circumstances or situations. Additionally, as Jim has articulated in the last few sermons in this series on the fruit of the spirit, it is not a mustering up of emotion or just a change in attitude. The fruit of joy in one's life is rooted in the vine of Christ, produced and cultivated by the Holy Spirit, pruned though suffering, and blooms on the branch of hope. The mystery of how the Spirit works deep rooted joy into our lives in unexpected ways, such as suffering and the role of Lent in this process, is what we will be examining on Sunday morning.
James Daniels