Joy Unspeakable
This Sunday morning we start a new series of sermons called "Joy Unspeakable". From now till Advent, we will be going through the book of Philippians from start to finish. That really is the best way to study the Bible. The Bible is like other works of literature in that it tells a story–the story of God’s amazing, relentless, never stopping, never wavering, always overcoming love for his broken creation and creatures. It is so relentless that God would rather lose his own Son, than lose you. God would turn his back on his Son, for a season, so that he could always smile upon you.While life is hard–suffering abounds, sin is real, life is hectic—the keynote of the Christian life is joy! The Apostle Paul labors this point in this letter to a congregation of real people in a town called Philippi. Josh and I can’t wait to share all this gospel goodness with you! Just this week I have talked to people who have problems in marriage, kids in the hospital, friends with cancer, people who are depressed, etc. How does joy fit into that? Is joy possible when life looks like a tunnel, and all you can see is headlights coming at you? Paul would say yes! Paul would say you can have joy even when you are weeping. He would say that pain is not optional, but misery is. He would say joy is a gift from God, and also a choice we make in the crucible of life.So join us Sunday as Paul shows how joy is wrapped up, swaddled in, part and parcel of being part of a community of people who know and love Jesus. I guess I will stop there lest I start preaching! I hope to see you on Sunday as we seek to understand how joy has the last word in this crazy world in which we live.Blessings,JimP. S. IF YOU ARE NEW–READ THIS!!If you are new to St. Patrick, please consider joining us in the Inquirer’s Class. It obligates you to nothing, but will most likely answer your questions about what we believe, what we value, what we believe about the gospel, and what your part in the story is if you choose to become a member. The Inquirer’s Class runs three weeks and starts this Sunday in the classroom at the front of the Santuary to the left of the stage (or just follow the signs). If you are interested, just email Wendy in the church office,—simple, not painful, and will be worth the investment!