Jesus Lives Up to His Reputation...Again
Whether you want to or not, you eventually develop a reputation. As people come to know your habits, your talents, your weaknesses, and your character (or lack thereof), a narrative about who you are begins to form in the minds of those around you. There are often elements of that reputation that are slightly off--maybe way off--but there is almost always at least some truth to overall picture. During Jesus' earthly ministry, he developed a reputation, too: he was known as "a friend of tax collectors and sinners." And you know what? It was true. Jesus seemed to go out of his way to approach those with suspect morality and religious habits with the good news of the gospel. He feasted with them, befriended them, and, while never soft-pedaling their need to repent and believe, made them feel loved and embraced. That is good news for people like you and me--whether your sin is big enough for all to see, or is so subtle that it is barely noticeable to those around you. In the story of Zacchaues, Dr. Luke shows us what kind of a Savior Jesus is, and what sort of a difference grace makes in the life of anyone who has tasted it. See you Sunday!Grace & Peace,Brian