Hark! The Herald Angels Sing!
How can we ever get our minds around the Incarnation? To really see it, not as abstraction, but real. The more real you make it, the more shocking it gets. Max Lucado, in his book God Came Near, does this well: “The omnipotent, in one instant, made himself breakable. He who had been spirit became pierce-able. He who was larger than the universe became an embryo. And he who sustains the world with a word chose to be dependent upon the nourishment of a young girl…God as a fetus. Holiness sleeping in a womb. The creator of life being created...God was given eyebrows, elbows, two kidneys, and a spleen. He stretched against the walls and floated in the amniotic fluids of his mother. God had come near.”In our Carol this week, the writer explores in poetic terms the mystery of God taking flesh. Words and music capture the sheer wonder and amazement of the King and Creator of the universe being born to a virgin. Angels sing with abandon at the wonder of heaven and earth overlapping in the infant Jesus. And so again this Sunday, we gather to partake and celebrate in the awesome truth that we have been made sons and daughters of the Most High.Blessings,Jim