The Greatest Fruit of the Cross
It is hard to believe that until two thousand years ago, no one, religious or otherwise, connected love to the deity. One feared God, one didn't love God. One offered sacrifices to the deity to keep him from being angry at you, one did not delight in the deity. Up until Christianity proclaimed "God is love," and proved it by sending the deity to actually die on a cross for the ones he had created, did the idea of God being love enter the dialogue of religion.Up until Jesus came, any talk of love was the domain of the poets. In large part, it still is, because "love is a many splendored thing!" The language of love however is primarily the domain of God. God is love. The very existence of the world peopled with image bearers of God is a testimony that God is a God of love. But not like you think. Not like you hear songs about. God is the author of love and, as such, can speak to us of what it means to love and love well.This Sunday we will look at the greatest fruit of Jesus dying on the cross. In fact, it is what drove Jesus to the cross. Jesus, being love personified, was compelled to the cross. Jesus forever defines what it means to love. It is wonderful and it is the hardest thing in the world. We'll talk about it Sunday.Also remember, we are touring the new building after worship, so bring one of your friends with you to tour the building and then take them to lunch. I can't wait for you to see what we are building. I had no idea it would be this grand. Seriously, I didn’t. I have been blown away as I have seen the space of the sanctuary and fellowship hall, the huge windows, and large areas to gather. Now you won't have to take my word for it, you can see for yourself.Blessings,Jim