God's Great Heart for People Like Us

If you have been around very long at all, you have heard--and probably thought up--some ideas about what God must be "like." Some of these notions are probably good and right. No problem so far. Other thoughts about the nature and character of God, however, go way, way "off the reservation," and paint a grossly distorted picture of the God we serve. One of the most prevalent of these caricatures is that he is an angry, brooding old man with a bag full of lightning bolts, just waiting to strike down an unsuspecting, innocent human victim. That picture may roughly line up with Greek mythology's picture of Zeus, but it is a long way from what the Bible reveals about our great Savior King.The truth is that God loves sinners...people like you and me who have blown it over and over and over again. The truth is that God is positively delighted to show mercy and grace to folks who have done nothing to deserve it. He will stop at nothing to rescue his beloved. Even if it takes a storm. And a big fish. And a whole lot of convincing.We'll see you Sunday, as we look at God's Great Heart for People Like Us in our current series, The Story of God.Grace & Peace,Brian

Friday BlogJoshua Smith