The Feast--Mystery and Meaning
I have often heard people say, after meeting some new and alien soul, "We have nothing in common." I understand that sentiment very well, because when we meet another human being, the first thing we do is look for points of connection. It might be a shared hobby, geographical region of the country, university, or anything else that functions as a common interest. So when people say, "We have nothing in common," what they are saying is, in effect, "We don't share any point of connection as people." While that looks and sounds right, there is one thing we share in common with every image bearer of God we meet: food. We all have to eat. To be human and alive means that we eat. Rich, poor, black, white, child, or adult--it makes no difference, if you are human, you have to eat. Isn't it ironic, then, that the thing God gave us to remember him by is a shared meal?If you ever wondered why the weekly celebration of the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper is a commitment at St. Patrick, you can think about what I have just written for a hint as to why it's that way. You can also come this Sunday, as we talk about the Feast Jesus left us. After we talk about the meaning and mystery of the Lord's Supper, my prayer is that when we give the invitation to come receive the body of Jesus, you will almost be running to the table!! Blessings,Jim