Disciple Making: A Life Worth Imitating, Part Two

A lot is going on these next few days, beginning with Sunday worship. This Sunday we have several of our children who we baptized as infants making their professions of faith. They are publicly declaring their faith in Jesus. What could be better than that! Also, we will honor our Seniors who we are sending out to “make something of the world.” It is a curious thing - time. Standing before our congregation will be a living illustration of how much things change in about ten years. On the one hand are children who still desperately need mom and dad, and on the other hand are children who don’t think they need mom and dad!! It is a great visual reminder to all of us who are parents that we have a few short years to disciple our children so that when they leave our homes they have deep roots in the Gospel and a community of faith.We are almost finished with the series “Habits of Grace,” and are talking about disciple making. I have read a lot of books on how we are formed as believers but to be honest with you, I have never seen disciple making as a "Habit of Grace.” But join us Sunday and I hope to open up the Bible to you and show you the power you have to influence other people. Not all of us are called to be evangelists, but we are all called to make disciples.Disciple making takes many forms, it starts in the home with children, but it doesn’t end there. Where there are people and brokenness - that is where we make disciples. After church, we have Youth Villages speaking about fostering children. Talk about a place to make disciples! Wow! I hope you will consider fostering. If you are remotely interested, please join us after worship. Teri and I will share our experience in fostering children and Youth Villages will share how you can invest in the lives of “the least of these.”On Monday night a good friend of mine, Josh Smith, will share with our men and boys at Meatssentials. Josh is a local pastor and one of the godliest and wisest young men I know. I can’t wait for him to speak briefly about the power of disciple making. If you haven’t signed up for “Wing Night” please hit this link and sign up. We have a lot of wings to buy and the courtesy of an RSVP would be appreciated.So I hope to see you Sunday as we make a big fuss about Jesus. He not only has saved us through the cross, he delights in us and gives us all the good things that we are celebrating this weekend - young children, older children, foster children, new friends, the need for more parking, and marriages in covenant homes that make so much of this possible. Hope to see you Sunday!Blessings,Jim