Culture Making and the Gospel, Part Two
Last week we started thinking about the Habits of Grace that are more public, if you will. By that I mean that they are things you do “in the world” or “before the world.” Certainly, when we think about “culture making” we are talking about something very public, very open, and very concrete. I would even go so far as to say this - people judge Christianity by the culture you create. The culture you create in your life is really the real you, it is an expression of what you really and truly love.This week and next we are going to look deeply at this aspect of being human. Some are, of course, skeptical when I talk about “culture making” because it sounds to “worldly.” Well, that is just what I hope you will see about Christianity - it is “in the world” and “for the world.” We can’t do Christianity on a reservation, we are called to be “worldly Christians” in that Christianity happens “in the world.” You can’t be more spiritual than God. Jesus came into the world to bring in a new kind of culture. So if you are curious, we will talk about it Sunday. I hope you will join us.Also we welcome Beckham into the family this Sunday. He is the Mark and Amanda McMinn’s son and part of the baby wave at St. Patrick. Every time I place water on the head of an adult or infant, I marvel at the audacity of God who says his kingdom will overcome the kingdoms of the world with such common fare as bread, wine, water, and broken people.Can’t wait to see you on Sunday,Blessings,Jim