Awed to Heaven, Rooted in Earth
Paul says we ought to be "heavenly minded." I confess that I don’t like that language. I suppose it is because so many people accuse Christians of being "so heavenly minded that they are no earthly good." I get that. I see that. I am ticked about those kinds of people too. I know Jesus is as well. It is easy to just make Christianity an ethereal thing that doesn’t relate to this world in any shape, form, or fashion.However, I think what Paul is trying to say about being heavenly minded is that the more heavenly minded we are the more rooted we will be in a robust life on earth. Paul would say that the more "awed to heaven we are" it will come out as being radically concerned about the here and now in the places we live a common and ordinary life.So, on Sunday we will look at how the more we ponder the heavenly rule and reign of Jesus, the more we will be able to do as Paul says later, "And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him." Knowing and seeking Jesus will make us infinitely more useful in this world. We’ll talk about it Sunday.Blessings,Jim