After Advent: Hope after the Holidays

Along with many of my friends, you will find me in the woods this time of the year. Hunting is an endeavor that I have always enjoyed, and the ritual of “before-dawn” hunting is a routine that I have always loved. Those who do not have an interest in such activities often have trouble understanding why we would do it - especially the times we get up early in the morning when it is freezing cold and sometimes even raining. Sitting… before dawn…in the dark - silent... waiting. One aspect, in particular, that never gets old to me is sunrise in the woods. However, the minutes before the sun comes up can be brutal – and seem to be the darkest and coldest. Many times I have sat shivering in the dark, longing with anticipation for the first glimpse of sunlight to warm me and illuminate my surroundings so that I might see. And when it comes, it is glorious to the senses.In Corinthians 13:13, Paul proposes three virtues that the Christian life should embody: faith, hope, and love. While Christians have focused a lot on “faith” and “love” in the last 100 years, “hope” has been confused and somewhat neglected. This Sunday, we will look at the appearance and the announcement of angels as they disrupted a dark world that had almost given up hope to announce the coming of the Messiah. As we come to the end of Christmas holiday season, it is important for us to continue into the new year clinging the truth of Advent – that Jesus came to the earth to establish His eternal kingdom and to offer the world a bright future of peace and joy. Like the sun rises warm and radiant, Jesus came as a light into the world and the angels and archangels broke through the dark night sky to announce it. That light is still shining in the world today for those who would see it – and the resulting hope is glorious.- James Daniels

Friday BlogJoshua Smith