A Cautionary Tale (and an Ordination)

What does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus? I am asked this question all the time and, as a minister, I spend most of my time helping people become better disciples of Jesus. A disciple of Jesus is simply someone who is continually learning to become more like Jesus. Now notice that I didn’t say a disciple is someone who has arrived at a level of profound maturity or moral perfection. This Sunday we will see a lesson in discipleship as we look at the life of one of Israel’s greatest kings. In fact, we have to say that other than King David, “the man after God’s own heart,” he was their greatest king. His life is a cautionary tale to us in many ways, one of which is that a life of faithfulness is never a life of perfection, but one where we  deal with our own sin honestly and purposefully before God. It is strange actually. The writer gives us eight verses of the amazing godliness of Hezekiah and then the other two and a half chapters deal with Hezekiah struggling with his own sin!This Sunday we will also ordain James Daniels as a minister of the gospel in our denomination, the Evangelical Presbyterian Church. James is a son of our church and is planting a church in Chelsea, AL. So we will have some friends in for this day of oath taking and vow making. This is good! This is how family works! This is how the gospel goes out - through ministers so weak we make them swear publicly that, like Hezekiah, they will not try to be perfect but they will lead the people of God well, especially by being the chief repenters among God’s people.Join us this Sunday and join us after worship as we feast and celebrate that there is a great God among us. A God who took our sinfulness upon himself so that we would forever feast with him. Pit Master Jon Burkeen is brining the pork loin and smoking it slowly over a charcoal and wood fire. We ask that you sign up here to bring a side to the feast. That will also let us know how much to cook for Sunday.Blessings,Jim
Friday BlogJoshua Smith