Worship Between Sundays

Most of us spend fifty-plus hours a week working. We spend between fifty and sixty sleeping. We spend another twenty hours or so eating. If you have small children, you go through the nightly rhythm of bathing, reading stories, prayers and putting them to bed. If they are older, you drive them all over creation. After all that is done, you have several hours a week to spend in recreation or killing time, maybe with softball, baseball, golf, watching movies or reading stories. That is what most weeks in suburbia look like.My question is this: What does eating have to do with worship? What do putting children to bed, tucking them in and reading them a story have to do with worship? What does your vocation have to do with worship? What does cutting the grass or gardening have to do with worship? What does the act of loving your spouse, in innocent fun at a movie or over dinner, have to do with worship? In fact, what does most of your waking life have to do with worship? Does it have anything to do with it?Let me push it a little bit further. Is bathing the children less spiritual than having devotions? Is spending time preparing a meal or changing a diaper less spiritual than doing a Bible study? Is a round of golf or some other game less spiritual than spending time in prayer? Is it possible that all these mundane acts that make up most of everyday life are in fact hallowed and can be "acts of worship"?Well, we will talk about those very questions this Sunday as we think about "Worship Between Sundays"