Our Story

Why St. Patrick?

In the Fifth Century, St. Patrick set out to convert the barbarians of Ireland to Christianity with little more than a Cross, a Chalice, and his Faith. He so embodied Christ in his everyday life, that the entire island was converted without bloodshed. It brought about the re-emergence of Christianity throughout Europe when it had all but disappeared, reconnecting people with each other, with God and with God’s truth.

What’s That Got to Do with Collierville? 

About fifteen hundred years later, in 1998, a handful of families were sent to Collierville with a mission much like St. Patrick’s own: to reconnect people with their families, their neighbors, their Church and with God. It is a Church built on a long history of faith and in the small-town tradition that makes Collierville special. But it is also a church offering new ideas, new ways to make a difference, and plenty of new friends.

Evangelical Presbyterian?

Our beliefs, practices, and much of our story are tethered to our covenantal relationship to the Evangelical Presbyterian Church. You can find our constitutional documents, doctrinal statements, position papers, and a whole host of missional connections on their website.