Men’s Ministry

At St. Patrick, our goal is to see our men become disciples of Jesus who love God, love people and love life. This is hard but glorious! Simply put, we are seeking to help the men in our community form habits of grace in their lives so that they will be a blessing to their wives, their children, their neighbors and co-workers.

The Yearly Rhythm of Men’s Events:

Ongoing: We urge all men at St. Patrick to join a Community Group and find a place to serve.

Men’s Feast - This is an opportunity each August to enjoy meat and fellowship and to hear our vision for mens’ ministry.

Men’s Book Groups - Small group studies throughout the fall semester, led by St. Patrick elders aimed at developing discipling relationships.

Elder and Deacon Training - Sundays at 9:15am during the Spring Semester Sunday School hour.

Men’s Retreat - in March, we host a local overnight experience of feasting, fires, and fellowship, with one talk focused at the hearts of godly men.